Financial Planning Solutions
At this first complimentary 1-hour meeting, we will be listening to your answers and begin to discover how you feel about your current situation, we’ll both gain an understanding of the financial results you desire and begin to formulate a plan to achieve them. I will tell you all about my services.
We start by defining the problem, sometimes that is not easy.
The situations are never the same our experience. They might be about:
How to consolidate investments in one strategy?
A process of discussion will reveal a result that fits the challenge.
Social Security withdrawal strategies: Should I delay? or take it now. What about my decesed /divorced spouse can I benefit from their record?
How to invest to get the greatest return whilst being comfortable and sleep at night.
Planning for the future that you hope never materializes? Death of a spouse. Long term Disability
Long term care issues. There are events that you do not expect ,but need to be planned for.
Possibly you are selling a business and want to replace income from the business with investment income,Tax free Dividends or Investments that may reduce your taxable income.
Possibly you are worried how your family or dependents may handle your estate after you are not able to perform
Now there are answers to situations but together we can discover the solution that fits and you are most comfortable with.
We take time to listen to what you say so as to fashion a solution. We take pride in not fitting solutions and products to you. There is no one size that fits all
At this next complimentary 2-hour meeting, we will work both together to complete our unique Confidential Data Gathering Package. The result is a comprehensive source of information including your assets, liabilities, goals and objectives. Also included is a risk analysis encompassing your tolerance for investment risk, plus other risks to which you may knowingly or unknowingly be exposed. This document is key in the development of your tailor-made Warneford Wealth Planning Report..